二零零九道教节 首届(跨国)联合庆典 - 新加坡/印尼三宝垄
1st Joint Celebration Singapore & Indonesia (Semarang)
1st Joint Celebration Singapore & Indonesia (Semarang)
闭幕式 Closing Ceremony
Celebration Venue:
Furama Riverfront Hotel 405 Havelock Road, Singapore 169633
Wednesday 11/03/2009 & Thursday 12/03/2009
1) 太上慈悲顺星解厄礼斗祈福法会
"Shun Xing Jie Er Li Dou" Blessing Ritual
道场设于: 新加坡富丽华河畔大酒店 - 五楼水星宴会厅
Venue: Furama Riverfront Singapore Hotel - 5th floor Mercury Ballroom
日期/时间: 农历二月十五,11/03/2009(星期三)/ 上午1000时至晚上2200时
Date/Time: 15th of the 2nd lunar month - 11/03/2009(wed) / 1000hr - 2200hr
道祖圣诞福份 - S$38.00/- 每份 (合家)
Ritual prayer package - S$38.00/- per pax (per family)
每名参加者可为家人设斗补运 -
Participant whom will like to prepare the "Dou" Lamp -
per pax (self prepared "dou" apparatus) S$10/-
新斗:S$58/- 每个
New "Dou" : S$58/- per piece
Ritual prayer package - S$38.00/- per pax (per family)
每名参加者可为家人设斗补运 -
Participant whom will like to prepare the "Dou" Lamp -
per pax (self prepared "dou" apparatus) S$10/-
新斗:S$58/- 每个
New "Dou" : S$58/- per piece

2) "金榜题名" 赞助法会 "Jin Bang Ti Ming" Golden Register - Sponsorship of Ritual
福缘首: S$1000.00及以上
"Fu" Title of Prosperity: S$1000 and above
禄缘首: S$300- S$999及以上
"Lu" Title of Good Fortune: S$300-S$999 and above
寿缘首: S$50-S$299及以上
"Shou" Title of Longevity: S$50-S$299 and above
The Golden Register will be officiated during the Opening Ceremony at Indonesia
Semarang, to submit the names of all kind benefactors to Heaven.
Participating in the Blessing Rituals will enhance our luck, experience renewal in life and
The Golden Register will be officiated during the Opening Ceremony at Indonesia
Semarang, to submit the names of all kind benefactors to Heaven.
Participating in the Blessing Rituals will enhance our luck, experience renewal in life and
Heavenly Blessings from Dao Zu(Lao Zi)
3) [道教节-全世界道教徒欢庆的大日子] 展览
Exhibition: "Taoist Day - Taoist worldwide celebrates the Supreme Revered Day"
3) [道教节-全世界道教徒欢庆的大日子] 展览
Exhibition: "Taoist Day - Taoist worldwide celebrates the Supreme Revered Day"
地点: 富丽华河畔大酒店
Venue: Furama Riverfront Hotel
日期/时间: 农历二月十五, 11/03/2009 星期三 /上午1000时至晚上2200时
Date/ Time: 15th of the 2nd lunar month(wed), 11/03/2009/ 1000hr - 2200hr
Venue: Furama Riverfront Hotel
日期/时间: 农历二月十五, 11/03/2009 星期三 /上午1000时至晚上2200时
Date/ Time: 15th of the 2nd lunar month(wed), 11/03/2009/ 1000hr - 2200hr

4) [道教资讯环球联系]网路发布会
Official Launch of "Taoism Info Global Connection" Network
日期/时间: 农历二月十五, 11/03/2009 星期三 / 中午十二时
Date/ Time: 15th of the 2nd lunar month(wed), 11/03/2009/ 1200hr
Date/ Time: 15th of the 2nd lunar month(wed), 11/03/2009/ 1200hr
入场免费欢迎光临! Free admission: All are welcome!
5) 道教节闭幕式圆隆晚宴
Taoist Day Grand Closing Ceremony Dinner
日期/时间: 道历四七零六年二月十六日,12/03/2009(星期四)/ 晚上7时正
Date/Time: 12/03/2009 /1900hr sharp
宴会设于: 新加坡富丽华大酒店三楼金星宴会厅
Venue: Furama Riverfront Singapore Hotel, 3rd Floor - Venus Ballroom
Date/Time: 12/03/2009 /1900hr sharp
宴会设于: 新加坡富丽华大酒店三楼金星宴会厅
Venue: Furama Riverfront Singapore Hotel, 3rd Floor - Venus Ballroom
会上将为[TM 建筑工程]举行
会上将为[TM 建筑工程]举行
PS:Celebration Dinner is by invitation: Please request for Invitation if
1) You have not received one, or 2) You would like to attend
请帖已发出,如 1)您尚未收到 或 2)有意参加, 请向文书处咨询。
电话tel: (65) 6295 6112/ (65) 6295 6113
传真Fax: (65) 6295 6119
道教节 - 道祖太上老君(老子)圣诞
二月十五 - 全世界道教徒欢庆的大日子
TAOIST DAY - Birthday of Dao Zu Tai Shang Lao Jun (Lao Zi)
Taoist worldwide celebrates the Supreme Revered Day -
15th Day of 2nd lunar month
二月十五 - 全世界道教徒欢庆的大日子
TAOIST DAY - Birthday of Dao Zu Tai Shang Lao Jun (Lao Zi)
Taoist worldwide celebrates the Supreme Revered Day -
15th Day of 2nd lunar month