2009 Year of the Ox, Chinese New Year Activities
Usher in 2009 with a year full of Good Fortune, Abundance and Heavenly Blessings!

1. 25/01/2009 Sunday, 2300Hrs -
Offering of First Joss-Stick of respect to the Deities
正月初一 "天腊" 子时 上头香
2. 29/01/2009 Thursday, 2000Hrs Ritual to accord respect to the Deity of Wealth and receive Blessings of Good Fortune
正月初四 星期四 晚上八时 - 接财神请元宝
每份 - $18元
3. 30/01/2009 Friday, 1100Hrs - 1800Hrs - Hall of San Qing open for all to accord respect to the Deity of Wealth.
正月初五祭财神 上午十一时至下午六时 - 三清宝殿开放
4. 31/01,01/02,07/02,08/02/2009 Saturday and Sunday,
Tai Sui Year Deity worship for protection and blessings
(zodiac signs: Ox, Dragon, Sheep, Dog)
正月初六,七,十三,十四上午十一时至下午六时 –
安太岁法事(生肖- 牛,龙,羊,狗 冲犯太岁)
每份- $15元 (附太岁疏文,太岁符,压岁红包,太岁卡,香,金纸)
5. 31/01,01/02,07/02,08/02/2009 Saturday and Sunday,
Accord respect to Tai Sui Year Deity
(Zodiac Signs - Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Monkey, Rooster, Pig)
正月初六,七,十三,十四上午十一时至下午六时 –
每份- $10元 (附太岁疏文,太岁符,太岁卡,香,金纸)
6. 01/02/2009 Sunday, 1300Hrs - 1600Hrs Ritual to accord Respect to Jade Emperor "Yu Huang Fa Hui" and receive Heavenly Blessings
7. 正月初七 星期天 下午一时至六时-
玉皇上帝圣诞 "玉皇慈悲顺星礼斗祈福法会"
每份- $38元(玉皇福物加设斗灯,亮灯祈福)
8. 03/02/2009 Tuesday 1100Hrs - 1700Hrs -Feast Day of Jade Emperor,
Hall of San Qing open for all to accord respect to Jade Emperor
正月初九星期二,玉皇上帝(天公)圣诞- 上午十一时至下午五时
9. 09/02/2009 Monday , 1100Hrs - 1700Hrs - Feast Day of Official of Heaven, Hall of San Qing open for all to accord respect to the Official of Heaven.
正月十五星期一,上元节(天官大帝圣诞) - 上午十一时至下午五时 三清宝殿开放
10. 13/02/2009 Monday, 1100Hrs - 1700Hrs - Feast Day of Quanzhen Tradition of Taoism Master Qiu Chang Chun -Hall of San Qing open for all to accord respect
正月十九星期五- 道教全真七祖 丘长春真人圣诞 - 上午十一时至下午五时 三清宝殿开放
Interested please call 6295 6112/6113 to register/for enquries
有兴趣者,欢迎拨电 6295 6112/6113 报名或询问
Fu Sheng Wu Liang Tian Zun
Usher in 2009 with a year full of Good Fortune, Abundance and Heavenly Blessings!

1. 25/01/2009 Sunday, 2300Hrs -
Offering of First Joss-Stick of respect to the Deities
正月初一 "天腊" 子时 上头香
2. 29/01/2009 Thursday, 2000Hrs Ritual to accord respect to the Deity of Wealth and receive Blessings of Good Fortune
正月初四 星期四 晚上八时 - 接财神请元宝
每份 - $18元
3. 30/01/2009 Friday, 1100Hrs - 1800Hrs - Hall of San Qing open for all to accord respect to the Deity of Wealth.
正月初五祭财神 上午十一时至下午六时 - 三清宝殿开放
4. 31/01,01/02,07/02,08/02/2009 Saturday and Sunday,
Tai Sui Year Deity worship for protection and blessings
(zodiac signs: Ox, Dragon, Sheep, Dog)
正月初六,七,十三,十四上午十一时至下午六时 –
安太岁法事(生肖- 牛,龙,羊,狗 冲犯太岁)
每份- $15元 (附太岁疏文,太岁符,压岁红包,太岁卡,香,金纸)
5. 31/01,01/02,07/02,08/02/2009 Saturday and Sunday,
Accord respect to Tai Sui Year Deity
(Zodiac Signs - Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Monkey, Rooster, Pig)
正月初六,七,十三,十四上午十一时至下午六时 –
每份- $10元 (附太岁疏文,太岁符,太岁卡,香,金纸)
6. 01/02/2009 Sunday, 1300Hrs - 1600Hrs Ritual to accord Respect to Jade Emperor "Yu Huang Fa Hui" and receive Heavenly Blessings
7. 正月初七 星期天 下午一时至六时-
玉皇上帝圣诞 "玉皇慈悲顺星礼斗祈福法会"
每份- $38元(玉皇福物加设斗灯,亮灯祈福)
8. 03/02/2009 Tuesday 1100Hrs - 1700Hrs -Feast Day of Jade Emperor,
Hall of San Qing open for all to accord respect to Jade Emperor
正月初九星期二,玉皇上帝(天公)圣诞- 上午十一时至下午五时
9. 09/02/2009 Monday , 1100Hrs - 1700Hrs - Feast Day of Official of Heaven, Hall of San Qing open for all to accord respect to the Official of Heaven.
正月十五星期一,上元节(天官大帝圣诞) - 上午十一时至下午五时 三清宝殿开放
10. 13/02/2009 Monday, 1100Hrs - 1700Hrs - Feast Day of Quanzhen Tradition of Taoism Master Qiu Chang Chun -Hall of San Qing open for all to accord respect
正月十九星期五- 道教全真七祖 丘长春真人圣诞 - 上午十一时至下午五时 三清宝殿开放
Interested please call 6295 6112/6113 to register/for enquries
有兴趣者,欢迎拨电 6295 6112/6113 报名或询问
Fu Sheng Wu Liang Tian Zun
(May Heavenly Blessings Be With You)