道教资讯环球联系 之友
Friends of TAOISM INFO Global Connection
在现代物质文明与现代化宗教的冲击下,多元而且组织散漫的道教呈现出无可避免的弱化与消颓倾向,道法日益流失,传承制度日益不全,道学隐而不彰,到处富丽堂皇的宫庙道观,多走向民俗信仰'有庙无教的'不成熟的拟似宗教局面,深深令人叹惋与痛惜! 其中关键之一,系长久以来,道教界一直缺少一个被广泛接受的刊物,使得道教界处于一种闭塞的落伍情况,有以致之。 … 摘自《道教月刊》发行刊社评
《道教月刊》从2008年7月开始,正式委托新加坡道教协会在新加坡设立联络处,做为它在东南亚的代理,负责东南亚 (新加坡'马来西亚'印度尼西亚) 地区之发行及新闻采访。新加坡道教协会本着成立的宗旨,一为强化弘道阐教及联系工作,二为支持该刊物得以扩大在东南亚的发展,欣然接受此委托,于本会所设立办事处,让此刊物从今日起正式于本区域发行。为更好的推动联系工作,今特成立 道教资讯环球联系 TAOISM INFO Global Connection,招募本地区之宫庙及道教人士加入成为道教资讯环球联系之友。我们熱烈欢迎您的加入!
Friends of TAOISM INFO Global Connection
在现代物质文明与现代化宗教的冲击下,多元而且组织散漫的道教呈现出无可避免的弱化与消颓倾向,道法日益流失,传承制度日益不全,道学隐而不彰,到处富丽堂皇的宫庙道观,多走向民俗信仰'有庙无教的'不成熟的拟似宗教局面,深深令人叹惋与痛惜! 其中关键之一,系长久以来,道教界一直缺少一个被广泛接受的刊物,使得道教界处于一种闭塞的落伍情况,有以致之。 … 摘自《道教月刊》发行刊社评
《道教月刊》从2008年7月开始,正式委托新加坡道教协会在新加坡设立联络处,做为它在东南亚的代理,负责东南亚 (新加坡'马来西亚'印度尼西亚) 地区之发行及新闻采访。新加坡道教协会本着成立的宗旨,一为强化弘道阐教及联系工作,二为支持该刊物得以扩大在东南亚的发展,欣然接受此委托,于本会所设立办事处,让此刊物从今日起正式于本区域发行。为更好的推动联系工作,今特成立 道教资讯环球联系 TAOISM INFO Global Connection,招募本地区之宫庙及道教人士加入成为道教资讯环球联系之友。我们熱烈欢迎您的加入!
INTRODUCING the Taoist magazine linking commonpaths and friends on
Taoist news & happenings;
Taoism traditions & practices;
Tao teachings and philosophy …
be it cultural, religious or philosophical ….. be in touch with us!!!
"TAOISM NEWS" Magazine
A quote from TAOISM NEWS Publication Editorial:
“With our contemporary society becoming increasingly materialistic and religions shifting from traditions to modernity, Taoism with its diverse practices and fragile establishment dramatically withered is facing great challenges ahead. The teaching of Tao is fast diminishing, its lineage of transmission is inadequate and the philosophy of Tao is neglected.
Grand and majestic Taoist temples and shrines are walking the path of folklore beliefs. Taoist places of worship basically lack proper religious education and propagation; religious events and activities are immaturely held. To see Taoism in this state is really lamentable. One of the main causes is that for a very long time, Taoism lacks a religious publication that is widely read and accepted. Hence, the Taoist community is ignorant to news and updates outside their local community.”
In July 2008, TAOISM NEWS Head Office (Taiwan) officially appointed TAOIST MISSION (SINGAPORE) as their SOUTH-EAST ASIA CIRCULATION & EDITORIAL LIAISON REPRESENTATIVE. The South-East Asia Liaison Office is located in Singapore which will oversee the TAOISM NEWS circulation, distribution and editorial desk for the region currently covering Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore.
Taoist Mission (Singapore) with its key objective, propagating Taoist religion and teachings, takes privilege in accepting the undertaking of promoting TAOISM NEWS in South-East Asia. For the purpose of co-ordinating effective communication, Taoist Mission (Singapore) has launched a network “TAOISM INFO Global Connection” to link interested persons and commonpaths in this region to be friends of this meaningful undertaking.
We cordially invite you to be a Friend of ‘TAOISM INFO Global Connection’. Your noble aid will support the publication’s continuity. All are welcome.
More info at our mainpage: http://www.taoism.org.sg/